Tag Archives: friends


I started this blog for myself,for the purpose of setting my pulsing ideas into motion.I found that WordPress was a perfect platform to freely express and share some contents with a magnificent network of Bloggers.

Every post I write(this is just my third post!)comes from a random inspiration.It serve its purpose to me,which is to be heard.Blogging feeds my hopes of reaching out to like-minded readers.

Today I will explore the idea of being raw,being genuine.
Every day,I am learning a bit more about not just accepting but also genuinely like who I am. I really hope to be an example as the dislike of the Self seems to be quite fashionable,a not-so hidden epidemic;it’s like we are supposed to feel ashamed,to keep our head down rather than being proud of who we really are,unless of course we fit in certain,meticulously crafted standards.

Personally,I got so bored of my inner critic,doing such a brilliant job at corroding my inside,that I suddenly and finally changed the direction of my thoughts,I broke that vicious circle!

Basically,I started to trust,to have a higher opinion of myself,which gave me the permission to be spontaneous.
I quitted thinking that other people were better than me.
If they looked,spoke,wrote,performed had”better”that me,so what!I admire their qualities and they give me something to learn from.

I don’t sabotage myself anymore.
Another things is that I now acknowledge that my immediate impression matter,it matters a lot!That’s because it is my only and extremely reliable guidance.

If,for argument’s sake,one day,wild animals were going to lose their instincts,their species would definitely become extincted.Over the centuries,us human being,became evolved creatures.
Mother nature gave us a biologically perfect body,equipped,for the most part of five or six magnificent senses;if we still have them in 2014,it means that we need them,maybe not to hunt or flee from predators but maybe to flee from a dead-end-job!

Omg,how many times I heard this same old tale:our bodies did not physically evolve to adjust to modern times regarding the fight or flight chemical response triggered by stress.
Why does it seems like we are supposed to accept that stress,as much as unpleasant is yet an unavoidable aspect of life?
I will tell you why!It’s because they are trying to convince us that the life model that they engineered for the masses is normal and is the best we aim for.

I am not writing to convince anyone or start a new movement!I just feel the responsibility to let my creative ideas flow,by sharing them with those who are ready to receive this information,for a higher purpose.

Being honest with life is my motto. If I like or dislike something or someone I will take notice of it.
There is a saying”Don’t judge a book by its cover”.Well,I used to shut down my senses,to deliberately be oblivious of the “cover”,for fear of being a superficial, judgemental,feeling like a “bad person”for being highly receptive. That was then,now what I say is:why should I doubt or ignore my first impression?-No,I should NOT!-

Trusting my first response to what surrounds me,means utilising my senses,listening to my intuition,it’s respecting and celebrating my innocence,my truth. This is something that I learned from the children and that I remember from my childhood.
Even if I don’t like the cover,I may still like the book,but the cover would still remains a piece of crap to me!Why being fake?

So,I do use my senses and my heart and I trust them enormously.
I know when I am on my path because,In my heart,I say-Namaste-to those who deserve my respect as I feel it.

Why am I raw?
Because I looks directly and profoundly into other people’s eyes,because I mean what say,because I ponder my words as they are powerful,because I am more concerned about kindness than manners.
Most importantly,I try to be present,my undivided attention is the gift I give to people,whether for three seconds or three hours.

Not many people do that,they are usually too” busy”,too afraid or both..
So I carry myself in this way and I am often perceived with curiosity.
I really don’t mind,I could have learned to behave in a socially more classifiable way.I was raised just like everyone else,but I decided to remain the unpredictable,spontaneous and malleable being that I was born to be.

I am aware that what I’m expressing may sound a little arrogant to someone,but what matter to me is that it hopefully sounds liberating and empowering to many.
I remind Myself and You,reading this post that,doing and being what feels good is what,we all deserve and it’s not an irrational ,shameful fantasy.

We were born naked and free because we are perfect inside and out.We’ve got it all!